Friday, January 3, 2020

Health is Wealth

How to be rich in health:

  • Probiotic
    • Kombucha
    • Kefir
    • Fermented cucumber
    • ACV
  • Prebiotic
    • Raw onion
    • Raw garlic
    • Potato
    • Banana
    • Fiber
  • Antioxidant
    • Astaxanthin
    • Spices
    • Wine
  • Cannabinoids
    • Thc
    • Cbd
    • etc.
  • Omega fats
    • 3
    • 6
    • fish
    • olive oil
    • krill
  • Adaptogens
    • Rhodiola
    • Ashwagandha
    • Burdock
    • Holy Basil
    • Boswellia
    • Roots
    • Mushrooms
  • Superfood
    • Avocado
    • Sardines
    • Leafy greens
  • Diatomaceous Earth (D.E.) pro bone, joint, cartilage
  • Teas
    • alltea
  • Intermittent Fast (I.F.)
  • Caloric Restriction
  • Walk
  • Metabolism Boosting
    • hot spices
    • extreme temperatures
    • no alcohol
  • Laugh
  • Cultivate love
  • Create
  • Give
  • Sunbathe
    • grass-fed butter
  • Altered states

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Mankind's Final Frontiers

The three great final frontiers for mankind are the human head brain, the deep ocean, and
outer space beyond Earth's atmosphere.

Magnitudes: From Planck to Parsec

10^-35 - 10^27
62 orders
Here is a link where you can click and drag to zoom from the smallest known measurable length to the largest.

There Will Never be too Many Humans

There is a myth that Spaceship Earth will soon become overpopulated by humans. We will run out of land and resources to support the excessively taxing amount of people. We will create too much co2 and poison the planet.

These are drastic over exaggerations.

The entire human populace could live in a small section of Texas if we lived as densely as NYC.

We are getting better at solar collection and battery storage all of the time. Elon says all of China could be powered in this way today.

Even more exciting than solar+battery is the idea brought to us over 100 years ago by Nikola Tesla himself. He realized that the Earth is one giant electromagnet. He conceptualized gargantuan copper towers that could harness the electricity generated by the Earth's rotation that is available to us freely in the Ionosphere.

Free unlimited energy will enable us to desalinate the ocean to no end. It will allow us to Pipe the Planet affordably. It will end famine and drought across the entire Earth.

This robust number of humans that will populate the planet will be nourished by the seemingly unbalanced increase in resources.

Traveling beyond planet Earth and supporting limitless numbers of people will quickly become feasible.


These are the most important thoughts I can think. They aren't all fleshed out yet. I will continue to as I have time.

The Great Bodily Balancing System

If the endocannabinoid system (ECS) were discovered in 1968,
it would be called the EBS, or Endogenous Balancing System.

The little molecules that make it go would be called endobalancers.

[The receptors would be endobalancing receptors EB1 and EB2, GPR55, TRPV, etc,.]

But typically we have named new parts of the body after plants that led to their discovery.

And so because the cannabis plant was discovered first, and the human balancing chemicals
just so happen to mimic those found almost uniquely in
nature to the plant, it was dubbed the endocannabinoid system.

The association of cannabis with eating and sleeping may, unfortunately, mislead some to believe that's all it's good for.
This would be grasping the tip of the iceberg.

The work the endocannabinoids do to orchestrate the complex, interdependent network of all synapses
and transmitters in the body cannot be understated. It's constantly supporting and maintaining balance on-demand
at every biological level. When the captain says to send all energy to the shields, that's the ECS.

A well-stimulated ECS can guide a ship through a meteorite storm of pathogens, cellular malfunction,
chronic inflammation, and poor physical health to extents not yet well-understood.

Within a single plant in nature, we have found over one hundred different cannabinoids and counting.
While plant cannabinoids are exciting, what we know with confidence is that they are not the answer to everyone's balance.
The ones made by the body are most important to have and balance.
There are things you can do to right the ship.

One of the most important things you can do is consume enough of the raw materials needed for the body to make its
wonderful little balancing elves. Omega fats 3 and 6 are the basic building blocks of endobalancers.

Omega 3 and 6 are in fact the only fats that are essential to the diet that the human body cannot produce by itself.
However, consuming too much 6 without enough 3 to balance it, a la the typical American diet,
is indicative of cardiac and inflammatory conditions late in life. Shooting for a 1:1 ratio can eliminate that risk factor.

Foods high in 3 are krill, fish (lowest on food chain=least mercury), chia, hemp, nuts, and eggs.
Flax is popular but beware of its plant estrogens.

Other ways to boost the system include optimistic thinking, laughing, and exercise.
The runner's high used to be considered an endorphin rush but is
now understood to be caused by a flood of the endocannabinoid anandamide.

Some of the world's top researchers believe that unlocking the ECS in new ways could be the answer to some diseases.

Dr. Russo is leading the charge in the theory of ECS deficiency. He has research indicating that some treatment-resistant
conditions like migraines, fibromyalgia, IBS, and others are a result of a lack of ECS function.

Dr. Raph Mechoulam, the guy who coined the system after the plant, wants to know why someone isn't
making synthetic master balancers to try to address some of our issues.

We target endogenous systems with synthetic drugs that mimic nature for a number of other conditions.

The most well known endogenous chemical used in the treatment of disease is the opiate. The word endorphin comes
from two other words. The first is endogenous. The other is morphine, the dominant chemical in the opium plant.
This receptor system may well have been
known as the pain signaling system if it were identified before the natural plant chemicals.

Synthetic hormones are used to treat a variety of issues.

Levothyroxine is prescribed to those who are chronically deficient in thyroid hormones.

It's not outside the normal thought patterns of medicine to find a way to chemically synthesize anandamide and 2AG.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Your Liberty Defined

Individual Liberty: A human's right to their own life, body, and property.
Common Liberty: That which belongs to no individual belongs to all humans and
cannot be caused to violate the liberty of any human.

Life: Your willful right to continue to be alive.
Body: Your willful right to move about freely and unharmed.
Property: Your willful right to the fruits of your labor.
Common Liberty: Our right to be unharmed by unnatural changes to nature.

You have a right to exercise your own personal liberty as much as you please,
so long as you don't impede the liberty of anyone else.

If all humans followed it, there would be peace on earth.
Because not all humans follow it, some order should be maintained.
It is the best use of government to enforce this one principle.